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Gino Joseph

Gino Joseph

Gino Joseph


2021 was an odd season for this fourth-year player. To call 2021 a lost year with for Gino would be a bridge too far, but he certainly didn’t have the forward progress that he may have hoped for. He ended the year having thrown a healthy number of innings and was a major player in East Coast Elite’s four deep MAW Tournament runs. It was – by those measures – another solid season. At the same time, Gino’s offensive development stalled as he lost some at bats in his pitcher-first role with ECE, he took a step back with the clean ball at the NWLA Tournament (although a step forward offensively with the yellow bat), and he assumed a utility pitching/fielding role for the Phenoms at United Wiffle®Ball which left him with minimal NCT playing time. While not a lost year, 2021 represented a slight step back for a player that landed in the top 10 of this list in 2020. Gino is still plenty young and with many good years ahead of him if he can stay healthy. His stuff looked better than ever at several points during the summer in MAW. He didn’t throw too many uncompetitive games, with the only one really fitting in that category coming (unfortunately for him) in the first game of the Mid Atlantic Championship Tournament.

Mark Austria

Mark Austria